your information
The Hope Room adheres to all guidelines stipulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
All information is kept strictly confidential and is not shared with third parties.
Confidentiality is always a big concern when it comes to therapy and sharing personal information.
My confidentiality agreement with every client is that all information is kept confidential and is only breached if you or others seem to be in danger or at serious risk of being harmed, then I may need to inform a relevant organisation or person. Also if I am required to do so by law or in the case of terrorism, drug trafficking or money laundering.
Where possible and appropriate I would consult you before any such breach of confidentiality takes place, however, this may not always be possible.
As part of my professional practice I meet regularly with my supervisor, where I discuss my work with this senior practitioner to ensure I am working safely and effectively. Anonymity is kept during case discussion and my supervisor is also committed to our contracted confidentiality.
I am a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, adhere to their ethical framework and have regular supervision.

My training and qualifications
I have a B.A. with Honours degree in Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy from the University of Warwick. I have also completed a certificate in Online and Telephone Counselling run by Counselling Tutor.
I have an ongoing commitment to continued professional development, which I love doing. This helps to aid and develop my practice. I do this by regularly attending workshops and courses and reading books, deepening my understanding over a variety of issues.