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How I work

What is person-centred counselling?

I am a Person-Centred practitioner, which means counselling is very much about the relationship between us. I will give myself fully, in a non-judgemental way, to hearing what you want to bring to the sessions and what meanings they have for you. This will be a safe and confidential space. People can experience very similar things, but everyone experiences them very differently, so I will not assume I know how you feel/felt but listen carefully to how you see and experience things. Nobody knows you like you do, so we will work collaboratively together to explore things. I will help facilitate you in gaining awareness of your process and insights, understanding problems, making sense of what you are going through and helping you to find your own meaning and direction. In person-centered counselling, the client holds the steering wheel. Therapy is lead by you, and the direction of therapy is flexible. The therapy is exploratory in nature and can be helpful for clients who want to use therapy as a place to be empowered to discover their own answers, which can have a far deeper and more lasting effect than being told what to do.

"Out of your vulnerabilities will  come your strength." 

Sigmund Freud

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Victor Frankl

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am then can I change." 

Carl Rogers

Visual resources


Saying out loud the thoughts and feelings you experience can be a powerful thing. When you say it so someone else can hear ,often you will see things in a new light and I will be there to help you with that and explore.


Whilst words are a powerful form of communication they do not come easily to everyone, and whilst some people thrive on external processing, I am also aware others like to process alone, and the thought of an hour talking to someone can be daunting. Introverts and extroverts can communicate, process and experience counselling quite differently and I am keen to understand what works for you.


I am open to, and enjoy, working with other visual resources which can be useful as another form of communication, processing and exploration. Often something that is visual or creative can help when words seem inadequate, stuck, difficult or are needing some time to develop and become clear. I have a range of resources available. I can guide you with how to use these should you wish to, although this is entirely optional.

The Hope Room resources
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The Hope Room resources

What type of counselling is best for me?

Face to Face Counselling

I am now fully vaccinated and am able to see clients face-to-face again. Hooray!

I have the necessary precautions in place, adhering to all the relevant government guidance on safety and hygiene to keep us both as safe as possible .

Online (via zoom) or Telephone Counselling

I understand that in amongst hectic schedules, inconveniences with distance and travel, as well as responding to COVID-19 which necessitates different means of social interaction, meeting face to face for counselling is not always the most convenient or ideal situation. And that’s okay. I have been surprised at how effective working via Zoom and telephone counselling can be, and found it has a different set of benefits.

I am happy to explore what would fit best for you.

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