Counselling is an investment that can make a massive difference to the present and the future.
Be heard. Explore. Restore.
What counselling can help with
Life can be a struggle, with incredibly difficult and painful experiences encountered along the way. These can have a knock-on effect to how we cope day to day; how we respond to situations; how we are in relationships and how our mental health is. Things often get pushed to the side rather than dealt with, leaving us with an accumulation of unresolved issues, unfelt pain, and unacknowledged thoughts and feelings. Counselling can be a proactive step to finding a positive and healthy way forward.
It is absolutely normal to feel apprehensive about having counselling, what it is, whether it will benefit us and how it will go. Talking to someone who doesn’t know us, the people in our life or our situation may feel strange, but talking to a trained professional, who is impartial and not personally affected, in a safe, non-judgemental environment, who can help support us through specific issues, can be invaluable.
Low self-esteem and low confidence can have repercussions in so many areas of our life and relationships. They can be crippling.
I have a special interest in supporting people around these areas . I'd love to work with you to improve this so that you can be more accepting and happier with who you are, find the confidence to try things which will help lead you along more fulfilling paths. We can look at what's got you to this place, how it affects you, how you feel about it, and ways forward.
Every person is unique, incredible and worthy to be loved, and you are no exception!

About me
My name is Ruth, and I am a Coventry based counsellor. I offer one to one counselling for adults over the age of 18, with a range of difficulties or reasons for accessing therapy. My counselling room is just off the Binley Road in the Stoke area of Coventry CV2.
It is important to me to support counselling charities alongside my private practice as I believe counselling should be available to everyone. I have experience in supporting the voluntary sector, counselling in various agencies and settings with adults from all sorts of backgrounds and with a whole variety of issues.
Counselling is an under-utilised resource which can be such a useful tool in so many situations. Whether you’ve had a difficult time and want to talk it through; be heard; need some additional support; or want to explore your responses, feelings, attitudes and behaviours. Whether you’re grieving the loss of someone or something; or are depressed, anxious, having relational difficulties; or wanting to work out who you are rather than who others want/expect you to be. Whether you are suffering low self-esteem; knowing something has to change/give, or anything else I haven’t mentioned… I invite you to come and have an initial appointment with me, where we can talk more about the kind of support you are looking for, and you can get a feel for how I work and the service I provide.